MultiNova – Multi Station Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine

  • Multinova

In areas where more than one process step is needed, Multi-Nova is preferred. It is often preferred in mass production lines, in areas requiring very precise cleaning, and in cleaning of very dirty parts. These machines are manufactured in special design after the cleaning process is determined.

SKU: MultiNova

Pre-wash: In order to increase the life of the ultrasonic cleaning bath, it is often added to the cleaning process for cleaning of very dirty and / or oily parts. The pre-wash operation is performed by ultrasonic power or by turbulence.

Ultrasonic cleaning: The dirt on the part is removed from the surface by the cavitation effect generated by the ultrasonic sound waves sent to the liquid and by the help of the correct cleaning agent. The biggest advantage of ultrasonic cleaning systems is that it easily removes dirt from cracks and holes that are difficult to reach.

Rinsing:  Most of the cleaning agents used must be removed by rinsing after the cleaning step. The rinsing quality can be increased and the duration can be reduced by the circulation or ultrasonic system.

Passivation: It is the process of protecting the cleaned parts against oxidation and corrosion. High iron contented parts should be subjected to passivation after cleaning.

Hot air dryer: For fast packing and stacking, the parts are dryed with hot air. If parts are not dried, contamination is easier due to external factors.

Vacuum dryer: If parts are desired to dry quickly or completely and the parts have water-bearing indentations and outputs, vacuum dryer added to the system. It is also preferred if a high cleaning criterion is expected from the product coming out of the machine.

Transporting systems: The crane, pneumatic systems or fully automated servo-motorized transport systems with PLC control can be added to the cleaning line for transferring the cleaning basket to the next treatment tank.

Filtration: The parts leave the pollution on the tank during the cleaning process. Solid particles in the tank are can be removed from the tank by filtration system. This increases the service life and cleaning quality of the solution. Thanks to the cartridge type filters we use, the filter cassette can be cleaned periodically.

Oil seperator: During the cleaning of the oily parts, the surface of the solution is covered with an oil layer. If this layer is not removed from the solution, the target parts are re-contaminated when they are transferred from tank. In order to prevent this, the oil layer on the surface of the solution is transferred to seperation tank and the oil is separated from the solution by various methods.

  • Tank liquid level control
  • Seperate temperature control for each tank
  • Temperature control of air dryer


  • Oil seperating systems
  • Filtration systems
  • Ventilation channel
  • Automatic or semi-automatic parts handling system

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